A wide range of strong assistants for various jobs
In the crane business, no goal is too high.
Cranes are our passion. Working with cranes on a construction site has so many advantages that we are sure that you will embrace them with the same enthusiasm as us.
Why choose one of our cranes? We offer advice, rent and sell cranes, provide crane transport with special trailers, maintenance and servicing, as well as training for future crane operators and crane licenses.
Crane rental
Crane servicing
Crane sales
Over 90 strong and
tireless assistants
Not every crane is suitable for every job. Inform us about your construction site needs and we will find the perfect one for you.
With over 90 different crane models, we will find the right one for the job. Different boom and jib reaches (from 5 to 75 m) and different configurations ensure optimum site coverage so that work is carried out safely, quickly and efficiently.
Contact us
Let us know your wishes, needs, challenges, problems or questions.
We are confident that you will be impressed by our knowledge, experience and solutions.
We are trustworthy
Cranes are our passion. Working with cranes on a construction site has so many advantages that we are sure that you will embrace them with the same enthusiasm as us.